Brew AI

In alignment with the Paris Agreement's target of limiting global warming to 1.5°C, businesses are called upon to achieve net zero carbon emissions by 2050. The need for decarbonization has been further underscored by ongoing energy supply challenges and a growing awareness of carbon emissions among consumers. As such, it's crucial for companies to undergo significant transformations in their production and sourcing practices.

To address this urgent need for change, BrewAI offers a comprehensive solution designed to empower breweries in reducing their energy consumption and carbon footprint. Unlike traditional consultancy options, which can be costly, BrewAI provides a cost-effective alternative. By leveraging digital technology, BrewAI automatically collects and analyses energy usage data from supported suppliers' open APIs. It then calculates and reports breweries' energy usage and carbon intensity, comparing them with industry benchmarks to identify areas of inefficiency.

Furthermore, BrewAI goes beyond mere reporting by offering tailored recommendations for reducing energy consumption and carbon emissions. By utilising company-specific information and real-time data analysis, breweries can implement targeted strategies to enhance their sustainability efforts. Additionally, BrewAI provides an opportunity for breweries to engage in an in-depth energy audit with our research team, further assisting them in achieving their decarbonization goals.

Sign up to join us in driving meaningful change towards a more sustainable future for the brewing industry.

Brew AI is an Anglia Ruskin University project